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The new Industrial Enclosures catalogue pulls together our most popular families in an easy-to-use shortform catalogue

hammond industrial catalogueThe catalogue gives full technical details and part numbers for each product, and ‘Quick Links’ go to the relevant page on the Hammond website, from where detailed CAD drawings can be downloaded so that configuring the enclosure to the application is much simplified.
The selected families in the catalogue are:

  • 1554 IP68 polycarbonate flat lid.
  • 1554PB polycarbonate pushbutton.
  • 1555F IP68 polycarbonate flanged lid enclosures.
  • PCJ IP66 polycarbonate junction box with latching lockable cover.
  • 1590Z IP65 GRP heavy duty enclosures.
  • PJU IP66 GRP junction box with hinged cover.
  • Eclipse Junior 304 stainless steel junction box with continuous hinged cover.
  • 1590Z IP68 die-case aluminium rugged enclosure.
  • Accessories: IP68 brass and nylon cordgrips; IP66 stainless steel and non-metallic IP66 hole plugs; rainproof ventilators

For more info, contact Liana

Click here to download the PDF Catalogue