SHT4x Humidity and Temperature Sensor
4th Generation, High-Accuracy, Ultra-Low-Power, 16-bit Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensor Platform
SHT4x is a digital sensor platform for measuring relative humidity and temperature at different accuracy classes. The I2C interface provides several preconfigured I2C addresses and maintains an ultra-low power budget. The power-trimmed internal heater can be used at three heating levels thus enabling sensor operation in demanding environments. The four-pin dual-flat-no-leads package is suitable for surface mount technology (SMT) processing.
- Ultra-low power consumption
- Relative humidity accuracy: up to ±1.5 %RH
- Temperature accuracy: up to ±0.1 °C
- Supply voltage: 1.08 V … 3.6 V
- Average current: 0.4 µA (at meas. rate 1 Hz)
- Idle current: 80 nA
- I2C fast mode plus, CRC checksum
- Operating range: 0…100 %RH, -40…125 °C
- Small DFN package: 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.5mm
- Fully functional in condensing environment
- Fully calibrated and reflow solderable
- Supply voltage range (1.2 – 3.3 V)
- Variable power heater
- NIST traceability
- JEDEC JESD47 qualification
- Mature technology from global market leader
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